This is a little bit of a silly picture-of-the-day. It was taken at the National Honors Society invocation. We saw Mrs. Vickstrom! Her hair was straight. It was nice to talk with her but weird that we were having an adult conversation. One of my favorite moments from second grade was when I realized I had reached the goal on the independent reading chart (which was twenty books). I said to her "Mrs. Vickstrom, I think I read twenty books" even though I knew I did. And she said "You THINK so?" And she looked at the chart and then gave me a blue paper ribbon that said "Blue Ribbon Reader" on it. After we talked to her Kathryn was flustered and fell into a trash can kind of. Today was the bright to yesterday's dreary. The most exciting thing that happened to me is that Mr. Monahan saw my Velvet Underground t-shirt and got excited because apparently he loves them and he started up a conversation with me about them and somewhere into the conversation I lost him because he was talking really fast and in French so I ended up telling him my dad is a painter without meaning to (my dad isn't a painter). But after that he played a music video of Nico singing "Femme Fatale"! It was pretty cool. That's the song of the day, by the way.
It's taking a really long time to load this photo. If it doesn't load, I'm just going to publish the post like this. That's right, without a photo. I may or may not be obligated to turn in a French essay about Superman tomorrow. Actually, it can be about Batman either. You can choose which one. I'm not really sure which one I think is a better superhero. I've always been inclined towards Superman, but this is most likely because I used to be in love with Tom Welling who played Clark Kent on Smallville. Why won't my picture load?
Graham is attractive.
I took this!
I coordinated graham's shirt to watch shannon's scarf
everything was planned ahead...
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