
March 11

I bought this sweater yesterday for $2.50 at the Corner Shop in Holden. The women who work there always ask Parker if he has a girlfriend. Today I fell asleep on the spiral part of my notebook during study long block and it made three indents in my chin. I dreamt I was ice skating, which I hate. Also I heard (this wasn't a dream) someone walking down the hallway and whistling the tune that Elle Driver whistles in the beginning of Kill Bill Volume 1. I wish I knew who this person was; they made me smile. My back hurts from slouching all day. The weather is currently very characteristic of March. It is chilly, windy, and rainy. The snow melted again. School seemed so unbearable and I wanted to go home all day today. My mom "fired" me from the job of feeding the cat because I do such a bad job with it which is life-threatening to Stella. My new household job is grocery shopping. If you ask me, this is a way more dangerous task and I would not allot it to myself had I the choice. Stella is going to be well-fed, but the family will either go hungry or have to survive on Reese's Puffs or some other ridiculous food item that only seems appealing to me when I am bored of grocery shopping and debit-card-power-hungry. 

The song of the day is "Objects of my Affection" by Peter Bjorn and John. I don't have their new album yet but I heard it's good, I think? Pitchfork looks so different now. I don't like it because I can't really figure out how to use it. Also I can't find any record reviews for albums made before 1999, which freaks me out. Oh no! Speaking of Pitchfork, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah is taking a "break," which could very well mean they are breaking up. This is devastating news! I've never even seen them live, and they made what is probably my favorite album. So saad. I'm hungry for Reese's Puffs.

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