
August 31

This week Steve and I are hanging out and watching movies everyday. Today we watched Watchmen. I liked it a lot, though I must say it was made more enjoyable by our nonsensical jokes that no one else finds funny and are possibly offended by. We also had dinner with my parents, drank wine, and video chatted with various friends who are in college right now and whose lives are completely foreign to us. In a way, Steve and I are the last ones to savoring our childhoods. While our friends have moved on and are adjusting to their new lives, we remain stuck in this old one, feeling not quite like we belong in it but also certain we don't yet belong in the future. It's a sort of suspended animation. We're still eating food cooked by our moms and we have nothing to be worried about or unsettled by. While we mock our situations and look forward to next week with eager anticipation, it would be a lie to say we aren't having fun. I'm not doubting that I'll enjoy college, but it will be nice to look back on this week in the future and remember feeling completely comfortable and content sitting on my parents' couch with Steve, laughing until we can't breathe over a joke I don't even remember now.

The song of the day is "Effigy" by Andrew Bird.