
May 18

Today was nice kind of, and tonight is the probably the last night I'll be up late doing schoolwork until September. So I'm allowing myself to waste lots of time and make little progress, you know, to savor it. Yeah. Martha's Vineyard, like every other white touristy town I've been to, is mostly categorized by white people and things for tourists to buy. I bought Mr. Tarmey a post card that says "Cat Burglar" and has a picture of a naked man with a cat head, a pistol at his crotch, and cats lying at his ankles. I hope he likes it. 

I realized I don't have as much to say to the graduating class of 2009 as I thought I would. What I would really like to say can't be written in a speech. Maybe I should write a speech and give it only to my friends; that would be much easier. I just remembered that I have to audition this speech and might not even be picked. That would be embarrassing, seeing as everyone reading this knows I am attempting it. I have the same amount of school days left as I did last Thursday. In Martha's Vineyard, Graham found a store called "Third World Trade Cooperative" that he said almost made him throw up. It was stupid and exploitative, and in the display case in the window, a Buddha, a Bob Marley bib, a CD of French cultural music, and a Day-of-the-Dead skeleton were all arranged, no doubt by a wealthy white resident, within a square foot of each other. Alright I need to finish this speech.

The song of the day is "Hummingbird" by Born Ruffians.

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