
September 29

I think I'm feeling better today than I was yesterday. Even though I wasn't necessary feeling bad yesterday, just thoughtful. I'm excited for the weekend because there's a lot going on. Every night I sit out in the hall on the computer so I don't disturb Laura and I've kind of gained the reputation of being the hallway computer girl. Jake from down the hall often comes down and contemplates my predicament in a very humorous way. Tonight he sat down and we talked for about half an hour. He told me about how much he loves cats and the day he had to put his second cat down, he got the cat high, then fed it ice cream. I asked how you get a cat high and he said you blow the smoke into its ears. I thought the story was sweet in a strange and slightly morbid way. Actually it's seeming more morbid now that I'm writing it here. Oh well, Jake has good intentions; that much is clear. I can feel a sickness coming on and I'm dreading it. I hope I'm not sick for this Friday because we're having an open mic night and I think I might sing and MAYBE play guitar. Maybe. Or maybe I'll just sing. Either way, it'll depend on how scared of the prospect I am at the time, and whether or not I'm sick. If I don't buy food tomorrow I'm gonna die of starvation. Dan just came to say hi! We're talking about love.


Liz said...

i like the picture

DaveB said...

This really is a great picture.

#1 fan said...

make like a hunter and gatherer and go buy food!

Unknown said...

As a parent, I am obligated to say "Please don't die of starvation"

Zach said...

what is love? baby don't hurt me